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Marketing simplified.

Marketing mar•ket•ing (noun)

The science and art of exploring, creating, and delivering
value to satisfy the needs of a target market with
unfulfilled needs and desires at a profit.

Yoluanda Brown, Marketing Services, Magnolia and Ivy Consulting

I see you there,sister girl,
handling your business,
doing all the things.

Yep, you’re juggling course development, sales, customer service, admin… And marketing is just one more thing on your plate. You know marketing is absolutely vital to your business. Without it, you don’t really have a way to drive sales. But you also don’t have the time and energy to properly devote to a complicated process. You’d rather spend your time creating and ideating.

​And forget about any real marketing strategy. You’re just striving to be half-way consistent, am I right?

​Well, fortunately for you, marketing is my jam. I prefer marketing that is clean, simple, and effective. And as a Certified Online Business Manager, I completely manage all of your marketing needs and projects.

The online world is super
saturated right now and it’s
more important than ever to
stand out… without driving
yourself crazy.

The online world is super saturated right now and it’s more important than ever to stand out… without driving yourself crazy.

The truth of the matter, marketing can be challenging. Part art, part science, driven by the psychology of buyer behavior. Then throw in a few complex funnels and all of the tech that holds it together and it can seem,  well…overwhelming! 

Buyers are looking for value and they’ll search until they find it.  Our methodology recognizes that consumers are empowered and in control – so we focus on meeting your audience where they are in your sales process with content that nurtures them into delighted clients who ultimately become your biggest, raving fans.

Believe it or not,

Blunt and shocking, but true. It’s not personal. Your audience goes online to find your website, see what you offer, and work their way through awareness and consideration of your product. If they don’t like or are confused by what they see or they encounter a bad experience (and they’ll search for any little reason), goodbye!

And they move on to the next business.

The job of your marketing is to slowly persuade your audience through the awareness and consideration stages that you are the solution to their problem. After the purchase, the buy decision should not end. Instead it’s an opportunity to build a meaningful and lasting relationship with you as a delighted customer.

The biggest threat to
your growth is a bad
customer experience.

The biggest threat to your growth is a bad customer experience.

Ready to finally get a handle on your marketing strategy?

Consumers these days are well-informed
and will embark on a journey to find a
solution to their problem.

Consumers these days are well-informed and will embark on a journey to find a solution to their problem.

The Buyer's Journey

Magnolia and Ivy Consulting, Yoluanda Brown, Marketing Services
Source: Hubspot

The role of your marketing is to capture their attention, inform and educate
them on how your product solves their problem, and then lower the risk of
taking the next step to purchase from you.

The role of your marketing is to capture their attention, inform and educate them on how your product solves their problem, and then lower the risk of taking the next step to purchase from you.

You aren't alone in helping your company grow.

You aren't alone in helping your company grow.

Our team serves as your in-house marketing department.

We use our girl powers for good.

We use our girl powers for good.

Our Services empower your prospects to reach their goals at any stage in their journey with you. We offer Social Media, Copywriting, Website Design, and Full-Service Marketing & Launch Implementation services.

Our Services empower your prospects to reach their goals at any stage in their journey with you. We offer Social Media, Copywriting, Website Design, and Full-Service Marketing & Launch Implementation services.


Branded content
Blog Posts
Social Media Strategy
SEO Strategy
Website Design & Optimization
Email Marketing Strategy


Pop-up Forms
Nurturing Content
Email Marketing
Video Marketing


Relevant Blog Content
Customer Loyalty Programs
Referral Programs
Customer Surveys
Knowledge Library
Conversational Marketing
Educational Materials


Project Plan Creation & Management
Copy Creation
Sales Page
Webinar Page
Full Launch Tech Set Up & Support
Webinar Set Up & Support
Facebook Ads Management
Social Media Launch Strategy & Implementation
Email Funnel Set Up

Ready to simplify your marketing?